Friday, January 9, 2009

Blog Assignment #1

1. How would you have explained the meaning of the term "ethics", before taking this class?

My best description of ethics is simply the expectation to say or do the right thing according to the "Laws of the Land". In other words, it isn't always what we want to say or do, but what we are expected to say or do by the world in which we live. Ethics is ingrained in all of us from our society, however, it may be defined differently depending on our cultures or religions. One example would be that in our culture, it is accepted that a woman dress provocatively as long as it is in good taste, however, many religions would find this offensive to say the least. While ethics can be viewed in many different aspects, the general understanding is the same.

2. What are some of your deepest held values?

To be honest and respect myself as well as others. Also I try to be compassionate to everyone, including animals. Not only is it ethical, but I search for these qualities in others and I try to give back what I get. As for the animals, you may not get it in return, but it's usually because you are not being true to yourself. Animals are much more in tune with their instincts, you can't fool them. They will force you to be honest with yourself and if you don't respect them they won't respect you. On the flip side, show them compassion and you will back unconditional love. We can definitely learn from the creatures that share our world.

3. What are some main principles you try to live your life by?

Being open minded is very important to me. I strongly believe that you grow both in mind and in spirit when your mind is open to explore all that the world has to offer. To be closed minded is not only belittling and demeaning to others but also prohibits you from living life to the fullest. I always analyze every situation from both sides and from every point of view that I can think of. It's amazing what you get out of it sometimes, even if you still disagree. With that, I strive to always be respectful of others and learn from our differences instead of being judgemental.

4. What moral qualities do you look for in others?

Honesty, respect and compassion. Being honest with someone is the ultimate respect. Caring enough about someone that you refrain from lying to them also shows compassion. These three qualities compliment each other and a person who holds each of them is a very admirable human being. I take pride in putting forth the effort to uphold each of these qualities, although it can be very difficult at times. In many ways being honest and having compassion is being respectful. It is virtually impossible to show compassion for how someone feels or what they are going through and not respect their feelings

5. How were your values and principles developed?

My mother and father were largely responsible, as well as my environment. My parents , both religious, raised me mostly following the baptist studies. However they did not force any religious beliefs upon me. For that I am grateful because I was also influenced by many other people in our society at that time to be just like them. I was given the opportunity to be my own person and set my own beliefs as I grew. I took many of their teachings with me along the way as well as develop some of my own that I later instilled in my parents. Hence the importance of an open mind.

6. How have your values and principles changed throughout your life so far?

I have grown so much spiritually, emotionally and mentally. I sometimes look back from where I started to where I am now and I am truly amazed at how much I've changed through it all. I actually gave in to peer pressure and became very closed minded, but fortunately we traveled most of my childhood and I experienced many different people, cultures, religions and personal beliefs of others that it opened my mind way beyond what I could have ever imagined. Although I have never been out of the country (except to see Niagara Falls) my experiences while traveling the USA is something I will always treasure. My values in life haven't really changed, but instead they have become more enhanced. I have experienced the importance of good values and I try to uphold each one with integrity.

7. Out of 25 points, how many points do you feel your work on this assignment deserves? Justify your answer.

I answered each question as thoroughly and honestly as possible and feel that I deserve the full 25 points because the answers are my own thoughts and not something that came from a textbook in which there would be the possibility of answering wrong.

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